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Favorito Supermercados

about Favorito Supermercados

We are a company with a family history and business experience of almost 40 years of entrepreneur Venício Gama.

In addition to Venício Gama, his wife Sandra Gama and son Vinicius Gama run the business.

In 1981, when he took over his father's business, businessman Venício Gama consolidated a history that went through the mattress and furniture factory, the sale of eggs and cereals in a grocery store, gas station, gallery, artisanal and industrial bakery, wholesale and bakery.

It was the beginning of a journey to have your own supermarket. Own business that started in 1990 with the opening of the first Gama Supermarket, in Parnamirim.

"One thing I learned over these decades in commerce was that we cannot be accommodated. We can always improve, expand and provide an ever better service. I am very proud that, alongside my wife and son, I arrived at the number of seven stores in just ten years of operation. We have grown in quantity and quality, in addition to currently generating more than 700 jobs across our network. There are hundreds of families directly benefited from our work together. We show that we can grow, even in an unfavorable scenario of national crisis. I have great expectations for the next decade, but always keeping my feet on the ground, working hard and generating the best experiences for our customers ", says businessman Venício Gama.

This was followed by the second supermarket in Parnamirim, in 1992, and the third in 1993, in addition to the acquisition of the Superbox supermarket, in Macaíba; in 1994, acquisition of Supermercado Alecrim and Supermercado Pinheiro Borges.

In 1997, the inauguration of the new Gama Supermarket, in 1997, was a great daring for the Macaíba market at the time.

The next big step was the association with the RN Super shopping chain, which resulted in the adhesion to Rede Mais in 2001, becoming RedeMais Gama, which allowed the expansion of the market and the entry into Natal.

The strength gained by this stage in business, allowed that, in 2004, the Mais Ayrton Senna Network was opened and, in 2005, the Mais Ponta Negra Network, embryos of the future Favorite Network.

In 2008, the group decided to leave Rede Mais and started operating under its own brand. The Favorite Supermarkets Network was born there.

The first expansion came two years later with the Favorite Zona Norte. In 2014, the chain grew even more with the opening of the Favorite Macaíba, expanding the chain in Grande Natal.

More recently, the Favorite began its expansion inland, with stores in Goianinha and Canguaretama. Process that must continue over the next few years.

Finally, in 2018, it was the turn of the new Industrial Park store in Parnamirim.

"All of these steps were taken with a lot of work and caution. We prioritize essentially maintaining the quality of our services. There is no point in growing and not maintaining quality. Our customers are demanding, as they know our work pattern. Our expansion has always been planned , so that we can maintain this strong identification with our audience, as it has been throughout all these years ", points out Sandra Gama.

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Additional Apps Information

Category Shopping
Platforms Android 7.0+
Last version 1.116.3
Size 14.82 MB
Date of update February 22,2025
Package Name br.com.favoritosupermercados.appvendas
MD5 fde93633543c5993c872b7230d39b3d6
Google Play Link Google play