about AvareX
AvareX is completely free to use without cost, paid subscription, ads, or sale of your personal information. AvareX is a pending replacement for the original Avare application. AvareX is community supported and funded through user donations.
AvareX is currently in the Beta version active development stage. Pilots are testing AvareX, using it in flight, providing feedback, and submitting feature requests.
We invite you to join the international Apps4Av community in further refining this amazing app. Join our YouTube Channel and Google Groups Forum, and help to our further refining of AvareX (X=Cross-Platform). AvareX is the next generation of the popular legacy Single-Platform (Android only) Avare app. AvareX now runs on every major computing platform: iOS (iPhone/iPad), MacOS, Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, and of course Android.
Join the mailing list for tips, tricks, support, and other help at https://groups.google.com/g/apps4av-forum or [email protected]