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about Beamafilm

Stream award-winning movies, documentaries and TV series with no ads. Sign up and watch for free with your participating library card or on a 30-day trial. Our carefully-curated ad-free collection includes trailers and has a strong focus on independent voices. 10M+ members of participating public libraries can enjoy watching for FREE, with trailers and without ads, using their library cards. If you're not a library member, almost all of our films are available to rent for 48 hours. Or, you can access our outstanding subscription collection for just $7.99 per month with a FREE 30-day trial.
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Additional Apps Information

Category Entertainment
Platforms Android 7.0+
Last version 2.8.1
Size 80.78 MB
Date of update March 6,2025
Package Name com.beamafilm
MD5 1715273c9f78a7bcf5d0e47593110364
Google Play Link Google play