about Boorusama
Currently support:
- Danbooru
- Gelbooru 0.2.5, Gelbooru 0.1, Gelbooru 0.2
- e621ng
- Zerochan
- Moebooru
- Shimmie2
- Sankaku
- Philomena
- Szurubooru
- Hydrus Network
- anime-pictures
General features:
- No ads
- Fully supported tag search with autocomplete and highlighting
- Save, import, export your favorite tags.
- Quick and easy image saving
- Support download multiple images in bulk
- Custom download filename formatter
- Easily blacklist or favorite any tags
- Modern, simple and highly customizable user interface.
- Support dark theme, light theme and AMOLED optimized theme.
- Gesture customization
Danbooru features:
- Support saved search
- Create and manage multiple favorite groups.
- Tag editing
- View translation notes
- Search, filter, and view images pool
- Explore the newest and popular posts with ease
- View, vote, and add comments
Discord support: