about CalcMed
7 Days Free
CalcMed is for those who believe that time is of the essence. Designed for:
- Quick access to calculators and prescriptions.
- Intuitive interface that allows you to get the correct dosage easily.
- Security and accuracy guaranteed with the best bibliographic references.
With CalcMed the user will have access to several tools and functionalities such as:
- Main drugs used in Orotracheal Intubation;
- Calculation of doses and how to prescribe vasoactive drugs, as well as their infusion rate;
- Correction of hydroelectrolytic disorders (Potassium, Sodium, Bicarbonate, Magnesium);
- Standardized solutions (Amiodarone, Polarizing solution, 3% saline solution, 0.45% saline solution);
- Calculation of creatinine clearance;
- Doses of medications used in thrombolysis;
- Several converters of usual measures of daily medical practice;
- Access to calcmed.com.br website blog
All these features will be available after choosing one of the following subscriptions:
1) Monthly Plan:
* All features will be available.
* Duration: 1 month (monthly) - automatically renewed.
* Value: R$ 9.90 / month.
* 7 days free
2) Annual Plan:
* All features will be available.
* Duration: 1 year (annual) - automatically renewed.
* Value: R$ 99.90 / year.
* 7 days free
For more information, access our Terms of Use: https://calcmed.com.br/files/terms.pdf and Privacy Policy: https://calcmed.com.br/files/policy.pdf.