about Catalog Viva
Catalog Viva helps you get information about the school anytime and anywhere.
Information about students, about the school can be viewed online in the application simply and quickly.
To enjoy the full experience of our catalog, schools must use the educational management platform. Join a smart community of parents and students, and stay connected with school information.
Information about students, about the school can be viewed online in the application simply and quickly.
To enjoy the full experience of our catalog, schools must use the educational management platform. Join a smart community of parents and students, and stay connected with school information.
Students - have quick and easy access to their school situation, but also to a number of digital resources useful in the preparation process.
Parents - they can track their children's course and school progress and take early action to correct any "slips".
Teachers - have at their disposal a simple and friendly school situation management tool, which allows them to focus more on teaching, not on formalities.
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