about Combyne
Whether you’re at home, in the field, or unloading grain, Combyne brings all your crop marketing information into the palm of your hand.
➡ How does it work?
Combyne unifies how many bushels you are marketing (based on yield projections or as-harvested totals) with all the information from your crop sales including contracts, load tickets, and settlements. Combyne also helps you track your stored crop balances - whether on-farm or off-farm. By having this information in one central place, you’ll be able to inform your profitability for the year, pricing decisions, stay on top of your different contracts, manage your sales against both projected and actually harvested crop, keep track of all your different contracts and loads, and manage your storage and delivery activities.
➡ Let Combyne do the work for you!
Once your marketable crop has been added (either old, new, or projected bushels), start digitizing your documents. Simply upload a PDF, screenshot, or snap a picture straight from your phone and let Combyne do the rest. The app scans and parses your documents (contracts, load tickets, and settlements), pulls out all the key information like commodity, quantity, price, delivery dates and more to update your records and reconcile your marketed and storage positions. Combyne also keeps a digital copy of your original documents for future reference.
With your marketed position automatically reconciled, you always know how much unsold crop you still have available, your projected cash flow, and any upcoming deliveries you need to plan for. Combyne also brings your sales information together with cost of production data to continually calculate what price you need on your unsold crop to reach breakeven & profitability.
You can also manage your stored crop inventory by location to track your crop from bin to sale. See your delivery progress against contracts with load tickets, and associate tickets to storage locations so you know what’s left in each bin or grain bag you have on-farm.
➡ What’s included?
Explore Combyne’s benefits in a 30 day free trial. Once the trial is over, you can choose to pay for a monthly or annual subscription.
✓ Manage marketing for ALL your commodities
✓ UNLIMITED trade document management (contracts, load tickets, and settlements)
✓ Document digitization with OCR
✓ Access to your Marketing Insights & overall Price Performance
✓ View your breakeven and profitability
When it comes to crop marketing, let Combyne do the heavy lifting. Start keeping track of every bushel you market today.