about Company Prefix
It's possible to use any prefix.
This application can be used also abroad to make international calls through the so called "calling card that need to put a particular numer and pin before each number.
The App is divided in four sections :
1) In the section CONTACTS it's possible to select or find (typing its name or surname in the apposite field) the contact that you want to call;
- if in the section SETTINGS you have enabled the prefix or the anonymous call, the prefix will be automatically placed before the number you want to dial;
2) In the section DIALER it's possible to type the phone number you want to dial;
- if in the section SETTINGS you have enabled the prefix or the anonymous call, the prefix will be automatically placed before the number you want to dial;
3) In the section Favourites there are all contacts that are set as Favourite in your device. It's possible to find easily a contact typing its name or surname in the apposite field.
4) In the section SETTINGS it's possible to :
- insert the prefix that need has to be set before each call;
- enable or disable the suffix, so you can send a tone as soon as the calling starts, so you won't listen to the automatic voice, but your call will start soon;
- enable or disable the prefix;
- enable or disable anonymous call;
If you notice any malfunction of the application or if you want to suggest us something, please send an email to the following email : [email protected]. We'll answer you as soon as possible.