about Driver Card Reader
With this application you can read (download) digital tachograph driver card. You can share data in different ways or store it on your device in different formats (ddd, esm, tgd, c1b). The read time will be written back to the card and the application reminds you of the 28-day read obligations
The application analyzes the data on the driver card and shows you the irregularities in driving and rest periods. You can see a detailed list of driver activities. You can get a work time summary report (shift/week/month). We can help you plan your working/rest time.
You need a USB card reader (ACS, Omnikey, Rocketek, Gemalto, Voastek, Zoweetek, uTrust, ...) to use the application. On some phones (Oppo, OnePlus, Realme, Vivo) you need to set it up for the OTG function to work continuously.