about e-Boleta
The Internal Revenue Service makes available the free e-Ballot App, which allows you to safely and easily issue electronic sales and service tickets and / or exempt electronic tickets.
To use this application, you must first register on the SII website, meeting the following requirements:
- Be a top-notch taxpayer
- Have current Start of Activities
This e-Ballot App allows:
• Issue electronic sales and service tickets.
• Issue exempt (not affected) electronic sales and service tickets.
• Send a copy of the electronic ballot to the recipient or client by email or WhatsApp.
• Add other authorized users so that they can issue electronic ballots on behalf of your company.
• Comply with the obligations of taxpayers regarding the Sending of Electronic Ballots and the Summary of Daily Sales to the SII, established in Resolution Ex. SII No. 74 of 2020.
• Access all the electronic ballots issued and download a report of them, through the web version of the application available at sii.cl.