about GadjianKu - Aplikasi Karyawan
More than just an HR automation app, Gadjianku by Gadjian helps to keep employees engaged in the workplace.
Submit and track your annual leave, sick leave, and normative leaves in minutes. Stay engaged with your office mates by wishing them well on their birthdays or when they’re feeling under the weather.
All of those experiences will be supported by Gadjianku’s leading features :
Quick Access:
2 Steps annual leave, sick leave, and other leave submission. You can access everywhere at anytime. You can trace submission approval in your hand, no need to worry.!
Fresh Look:
Gadjianku brings you great experience by fresh look and iconic simply menu.
Easy to use :
User friendly designed just for you!
Greetings and Get Well Wishes:
Keep connected with your colleagues wherever and whenever you are. Congrats in their special day and give best wishes. You also can send an empathy get well wishes to make them better while they are feeling unwell.
Data Personnel:
Custom your personal data, update daily status easily!
Push Notification: (keep next update)
Just sit back and relax! Gadjianku will notify you soon once there’s an announcement.
So, what you can do with Gadjianku to support your personnel needs? Download and launch Gadjianku App now!
Need any Assistance?
Contact us at (021) 3972-2030 or (021) 8379-3420 or email us at [email protected]