about GoGuardian Parent App
See which websites, apps, and extensions your child uses. Gain internet controls for school-issued devices at home. Also, if your child’s school uses GoGuardian Teacher, see how often teachers have issued intervention commands, like locking screens or closing tabs.
-View the top 5 websites your student accesses
-View the top 5 apps and extensions your student uses
-View the number of times teachers have locked your student’s screen
-View the number of tabs teachers have closed for your student
-View the number of tabs teachers have opened for your student
-View the number of times your student has reached a blocked page
-Select the period of time you’d like the data to display
-View a more detailed browsing history for your student
-Block specific websites on school-issued devices during out-of-school hours
-Pause internet access on-demand or at a scheduled time on school-issued devices during out-of-school hours
Learn more about GoGuardian Parent App Here: https://www.goguardian.com/parent-app/
Learn more about GoGuardian’s Privacy Information: https://www.goguardian.com/privacy-information/
Privacy Policy: https://www.goguardian.com/product-privacy/
Terms of Service: https://www.goguardian.com/parent-portal-terms/