about HeyU
Fastest way to find Shipper around.
The fastest way to get orders from Shop owners.
Currently, there are a huge number of ship and shop areas in Hanoi.
With extremely rich features and convenience. Guaranteed the rights of users Ship and Shop.
- Create a quick and simple menu
- Pay custom Ships, Shipper will pay for the item in full
- The nearest shipper accepts the application, you will not have to wait long
- Control order status right on the app
- There is a compensation policy for orders
- Free phone calls and texting right on the app
- Updating orders from shops with only 0.5 seconds
- The number of continuous orders is huge, both from facebook and the system
- Receive orders quickly with one touch.
- Search orders by location. View orders closest to you.
- Filter orders based on ship price and advance.
- Filter orders around your location or any location.
- Allow custom content to receive quickly.
- Interact with shop owners right on the APP
- Pay immediately after delivery.
- Find the nearest shipper, fastest
- Create orders and status alerts conveniently
- Learn more about Hunting Ship application at https://sanship.vn
- Hotline: 1900.633.689