about Home Tester Club
Home Tester Club is completely free to join. All we expect in return is your honesty! Love your new shampoo? Not a fan of that new biscuit flavor? We want to know. Your product reviews will not be censored on Home Tester Club. Help others buy better by sharing your honest product experiences.
By joining our community, you can earn points, badges, and compete in our Top Contributor program, which offers you benefits and access to exclusive product tests. The highest scoring members are shown on the leader board and, by contributing meaningful reviews and earning the most points, you can climb your way to the top!
When you sign up as a member, we’ll ask a few questions to help us understand your profile. Combining this information with the questions relevant for each product test, we will determine the best members to test a product.
With each test you participate in, you can track your status and view tasks to be completed. You can also ask questions or answer queries from other members about brands and products.
The voice of the customer is the most credible voice of all. Your honest reviews and feedback will help other members buy better, and help the worlds leading brands develop better products for shoppers like you.