about Immediato - Motoboy
Our system allows you to receive daily delivery quotes on your cell phone, we work as an intermediary between the client / requester and you courier courier. The customer makes the call through our website or our application and our system automatically fires for those courier couriers closest to the point of origin of the client's call, that courier courier who accepts and is closest will win the race.
Go immediately to the address that appears in your application, any problem during delivery, you can speak directly with the requester or contact our support here at Immediato
• Always check the value and the route of the race (See if it is worth it or not) the value that appears on your screen is integral to you and there is no discount on that value.
• Be totally independent, work less and earn more money, goodbye to your boss, I went !!!
• You can accept as well as refuse any calls.
Send the following documents!
A) M.E.I = (Your CNPJ) with CNAE suitable for fast delivery services
B) CNH (Cannot be “Driving Permit”), must be with EAR, Category A, exercise paid activity
C) Motorcycle document: up to date
D) Proof of Address
E) Bank Account: In your name, it cannot be a Salary or Easy Account
F) Minimum age: 21 years
SOUTHEAST: São Paulo and Greater São Paulo - Campinas (SP) - Piracicaba (SP) - São José dos Campos (SP) - São José do Rio Preto (SP) - Presidente Prudente (SP) - Ribeirão Preto (SP) - Belo Horizonte (MG) - Contagem (MG) - Juiz de Fora (MG) - Uberlândia (MG) - Vitória (ES) - Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
SOUTH: Porto Alegre (RS) - Florianópolis (SC) - Curitiba (PR) - Londrina (PR) - Maringá (PR)
CENTER-WEST: Campo Grande (MS) - Dourados (MS) - Cuiabá (MT) - Rondonópolis (MT) - Goiânia (GO) - Brasília (DF) - Taguatinga (DF)
NORTHEAST: Salvador (BA) - São Luís (MA) - Recife (PE) - Fortaleza (CE) - Maceió (AL)
Download the application, make your registration I sent the requested documentation and wait for our contact, you will be notified by email, SMS, WhatsApp or through the application itself.
Immediate, “Connecting Brazil”
Still have doubts?
[email protected]