about Kelas Pintar - Solusi Belajar
Let's make your STUDY and LIFE BALANCE with Smart Class!
Kelas Pintar is an online learning solution that can help balance your STUDY-LIFE. With Smart Classes, you can stay focused on learning while continuing to explore and develop yourself.
With the Smart Method, your learning will be more effective and enjoyable.
• Learn
Study with subject matter that is in accordance with the latest Indonesian Curriculum in various and interesting formats such as animation, audio-visual, and e-books.
• Practice
Strengthening learning materials through various practice questions such as HOTS, Questions and Answers, VBQ, Playhub, Get Set Go, and Work Sheets.
• Tests
Evaluation of learning through test questions with various formats and weights such as MCQ, Adaptive Tests, and Essay Questions.
Not only that, Smart Class also provides many features that you can use to deepen your understanding of subject matter anywhere and anytime, such as:
Confused answering difficult questions? You can use ASK to get answers and explanations from a certified Master Class Teacher.
Prepare yourself for various tests and exams at school by practicing solving questions from a collection of tens of thousands of combinations of LOTS, MOTS, and HOTS questions with various levels of difficulty.
Interactive online learning with Smart Class Expert Teachers. In each session, you will learn subject matter that is packaged in an interesting way and is in accordance with what is learned at school. You can also interact by asking questions directly during the session via text, photos, or calls, and there are recordings of class sessions available for those of you who want to deepen the subject matter.
Study assistance to help you prepare for college entrance exams, starting from determining majors, providing study programs, as well as progress reports and learning outcomes. PTN is equipped with features:
- Interest and Personality Test
- Question Bank
- Live Classes
- Tryouts
- Learning Reports
Let's start learning with Smart Class now! Learning with Smart Classes, you can stay focused on learning and can still explore yourself without stopping. #StudyLifeBalance with Smart Classes that's for sure!