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about LibreTorrent



* Licensed GPLv3+. Use, see, change and share; with all.
* Select which files to download.
* Move files while downloading.
* Auto-move downloaded files to another folder or external drive.
* Stream files, with sequential downloads.
* Android TV.
* Material design, dark and black theme, and tablet UI.
* Customisable network, battery, and UI settings, etc.
* 35+ translations.
* Scheduling.
* Auto-downloading, with Atom/RSS manager.
* Create torrents, with many and big files.
* HTTPS and magnet links.
* DHT, PeX, encryption, LSD, UPnP, NAT*PMP, µTP.
* IP filtering (eMule dat and PeerGuardian).
* Supports proxy for trackers and peers.
* Based on libtorrent4j.
* And more.

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Additional Apps Information

Category Media-Video
Platforms Android 7.0+
Last version 3.6
Size 33.53 MB
Date of update January 27,2025
Company proninyaroslav
Package Name org.proninyaroslav.libretorrent
MD5 fdd0388d27198a848f862a34b0ecae1f
Google Play Link Google play