about Lode a Te App
Our site is a content aggregator, in fact articles and content from other sources or from the personal experiences of individual authors are available. All rights of each individual author are respected with the name of the author and the source.
Praise to You is a simple app that collects articles, catechesis, videos, audio, podcasts, in a single, completely free app.
The following services are currently available, carefully chosen from the most requested sections:
- In the menu in the "Home" section are available: FAQ, Welcome, The Song of Praise to You, Settings, Latest articles, Downloads, History, Change Skin, Favorites, Synchronize, Explore;
- In the "WWW.LODEATE.IT" section menu the following are available: Books & eBook, Virtual Chapel, Radio San Giuseppe, About Us, Catechism, Fan Page of Praise to You, FB Group of Praise to You, Il granellino, The Bible, Ask for a prayer, Prayers, Prayers and Devotions, Go to the site. Furthermore, the following are also available:
- Featured articles - All the news and important info directly from www.lodeate.it in a new dedicated category;
- Podcast - all the daily articles from our audio-video column, such as meditations, the voice of the Popes, Buongiorno Radio, and Catechesis;
- Audio and video prayers - the best prayers and novenas also in audio format, continuously updated content;
- Liturgy of the day, all the readings of the week. The update is carried out every Sunday morning for the entire following week;
- Bible verse of the day. The verse taken from the Bible CEI version;
- Gospel of the day:
- Our priests. The best contents of our priests available on Youtube;
- Don Gioba. The famous cartoonist of the Web by Don Giovanni Berti;
- Compline in audio format;
- The Liturgy of the Hours;
- Church and spirituality, the best articles on Church and Spirituality;
- A priest responds, the famous column of "Dominican Friends"
- Liturgical songs, the best liturgical songs directly from specialized channels available on Youtube;
- Youtube, the best faith columns continuously updated directly from Youtube;
- Christian music and songs, the best Christian songs directly from specialized channels available on Youtube;
- Audio books and reflections, always new and constantly updated content;
- Latest articles - the latest articles published in the App;
- Explore to set channels and tabs according to your preferences;
- Lode a Te App Fan Page directly from Facebook.
Through the app, you can read, listen to, and share each article.
The "Praise be to You" app contains advertising not managed by us but by the developer who is AppYet.
Correct procedure for a correct update: updating the App is very simple, go to your apps and search for the Lode a Te App, click on clear the cache, then synchronize. Use "Delete all data" to regenerate all the App previews, to be used only if you notice display problems.