about Ma Petite Planète
My Little Planet (or MPP for short) is a (slightly crazy) team challenge, ecological challenges to live with those around you (friends, family, neighbours, colleagues...!) for 3 weeks!
Our mission :
- To offer a nice turnkey game for all those who wish to raise awareness about ecology among those around them. (MPP Ambassadors)
- Raise awareness and get as many people as possible to take concrete action through daily challenges on the preservation of the planet (MPP Players)
For 3 weeks, you will have to validate a maximum of eco-friendly BONUS challenges (but beware of MALUS!) in order to make your team win! (Team Vandana Shiva or Team Cyril Dion)
Everyone plays at their own pace and according to their desires.
In order to spice up your experience, and triumph over the opposing team, Team MPP has introduced BOOST, FLASH, HIDDEN challenges, and 1 LEGENDARY challenge in the game!
All the challenges will be validated through a system of evidence (photos, videos, screenshots) on a league conversation of your choice, appended to the application with the other MPP Players in your league!
Mother Nature is counting on you
Our mission :
- To offer a nice turnkey game for all those who wish to raise awareness about ecology among those around them. (MPP Ambassadors)
- Raise awareness and get as many people as possible to take concrete action through daily challenges on the preservation of the planet (MPP Players)
For 3 weeks, you will have to validate a maximum of eco-friendly BONUS challenges (but beware of MALUS!) in order to make your team win! (Team Vandana Shiva or Team Cyril Dion)
Everyone plays at their own pace and according to their desires.
In order to spice up your experience, and triumph over the opposing team, Team MPP has introduced BOOST, FLASH, HIDDEN challenges, and 1 LEGENDARY challenge in the game!
All the challenges will be validated through a system of evidence (photos, videos, screenshots) on a league conversation of your choice, appended to the application with the other MPP Players in your league!
Mother Nature is counting on you
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