about Mauritshuis
Download the free Mauritshuis app from Google Play at home, before your visit. That way, all you’ll need to do is open it in the museum. Don't forget to bring along your earbuds!
The Mauritshuis app is available in Dutch and English. The Highlights Tour in the app is also available in German, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Russian and Portuguese.
A different perspective
We share everything about our collection and the museum in our Mauritshuis app. And we also present the views of outside experts. For example, you could listen to what the experts at Blijdorp Zoo have to say about the animals in our paintings. Or hear what fashion activist Janice Deul finds remarkable about the Girl with a Pearl Earring.
Feedback or questions?
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions by sending an email to [email protected]. Happy with the app? Please leave us a review.