about MILES Carsharing & Transporter
MILES Carsharing & Transporter is a flexible car rental app. We have a wide variety of vehicles for you to choose from, just place your order by selecting it on the miles carsharing & transporter app. There are no hidden costs and you can pay in one go using a variety of payment methods, starting at just 0.98 euros/km. It's perfect for people who are moving house, traveling or on a short trip. You can rent by the hour or by the day.
- Car sharing by kilometer
Charged by kilometers, not minutes: MILES Carsharing & Transporter charges according to the miles driven. Explore your city and the surrounding area with ease and without time pressure! Town cars, compact cars or vans - they're all nearby and available for immediate rental!
- Flexible car sharing
Whether you need a city car, a rental car for trips or a moving van. Book the right car via the app MILES Carsharing & Transporter. They are always available. Flexible terms and discounts on daily and long-term rentals.
- Long-term car rental via the app
- Flexible rental times (from 3 hours to 30 days)
- Flexible car options
- Flexible rental (24/7 - can be booked at any time)
- Discounted rates for daily and long-term rentals
- MILES Carsharing & Transporter has flexible returns (extend your trip at any time!)
- MILES Carsharing & Transporter No parking, no deposit!
- Includes fuel, parking time and unlocking fees
Price list from MILES Carsharing & Transporter:
- 0 euros registration fee
- Initial credit line of 5 euros
- Car rental from €0.98/km / Van from €1.29
- Unlocking fee from 1 euro per rental (included in the daily rate)
- Free 10-minute reservation
- MILES Carsharing & Transporter allows users to rent vehicles by the kilometer, which is flexible and economical compared to traditional hourly rentals.
- Vehicles are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, eliminating the need for fixed locations and providing true on-demand access.
- The service is easy to use and the app simplifies vehicle booking and management.
- MILES Carsharing & Transporter offers a wide range of vehicles, from small cars to large vans, to suit different needs.
- The service is environmentally friendly and encourages shared transportation to reduce the number of cars on the streets.
- It allows users to easily pick up and return the car anywhere in the service area, which is very convenient.
- No advance deposit is required, which simplifies the rental process.
- MILES Mobility enables seamless integration between different modes of transport for urban mobility.
- The service is ideal for people who occasionally need a vehicle but don't want to own one.
- MILES can be easily integrated with other forms of public transport to improve overall mobility.
- The vehicles are well maintained and provide a safe and reliable experience.
- MILES also supports environmentally friendly transportation options to help users reduce their carbon footprint.
Serving the city:
Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Munich, Bonn, Duisburg, Brussels, Ghent, Antwerp, Stuttgart, Wuppertal and Potsdam