about Muslima365
Muslima365 helps users add simple Habits into their Daily Routine, helping them improve both their Faith and their Lifestyle.
Easily add Good Habits, earn badges and track your progress!
With an organized routine of simple daily Good Habits, App users will Boost their Imaan, be more productive, and happier as a result.
By encouraging and enabling daily good habits, building consistency day by day, the Muslima365 App will empower Muslim Women to excel in their Deen and Dunya. Small daily habits will have a big impact on their mental and physical progress, uplifting users through the power of prayer and productivity.
Helping Muslim women with their faith and good deeds will have a lasting impact and wide-reaching benefits. With faith and lifestyle good deeds, a winning routine, and better balance in Deen and Dunya, users will see their Imaan soar! With stronger Imaan, all areas of life improve: work, home, family, faith.
With stronger Muslimas, the whole of society improves, creating bigger impact in their communities, and becoming amazing role models for others too...
In Sha Allah!
In a digitally distracted world dominated by social media, shopping, and entertainment, pressures on Muslim Women are increasing and their mental, physical and spiritual health can suffer
There are many Habit Building Apps on the Market, however, they don't cater to the unique needs and lifestyles of Muslim Women.
We want to take the best of existing Habit Building technology and incorporate our most powerful tool for success -
Try out the App Today and see how much you could benefit!