about Poșta Română
Simpler, easier, faster!
You can access both free services offered free of charge (Track & Trace, Tariff Calculator, Post Office Search, Postcode Search, Form Filling, MyAccount module) and financial or postal services with online payment (E-Mandate with online payment, Press Subscriptions, MyPostalcard, MyMark and MyLetter).
E-Mandate with online payment: electronic money transfer, from the card directly at home;
Press subscriptions: commercial services having as object the contracting of press subscriptions through online payment and their distribution;
MyPostalcard: the service that turns an electronic photo from your phone or computer into a printed postcard;
MyMark: MyMark offers the ability to use custom images to create stamp-type labels that can be pasted on mailed envelopes sent on various occasions (invitations to special events, business events, etc.);
MyLetter: The MyLetter service offers the possibility to use images or photos to create personalized correspondence envelopes sent on various occasions (invitations to special events, business events, etc.).