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Poultry project

17.2 by Celia Play

about Poultry project

You will find everything related to raising poultry in a poultry project

Everything related to poultry farming, you will find everything related to poultry farming in the poultry project
A robot assistant to poultry farmers in the details of the poultry project
Chick conversion rate during the fattening cycle from one day old to 35 days old
Age per day
Average feed consumption in grams
Average weight of females and males in grams
Average temperatures day and night
Moisture percentage required for each age of the broiler cycle
Type of feed - badi - nami - nahi
Find out the average feed prices updated daily
Know the price of feed for paddy - grow - grow - paddy feed - 14 layers - 16 layers - 18 layers, updated daily.
Know the prices of white meat, the prices of red eggs, white eggs, and local eggs, and the prices of white chicks and Sasso chicks, updated daily.

Know the number of hours of lighting required during the broiler cycle
Calculate feed consumption
Find out the feasibility study, updated daily
Ventilation was added in the follow-up of broiler chickens
Ventilation was added to follow up on laying hens
Ventilation was added in the follow-up of baladi poultry
Quail tracking has been added
Quail diseases have been added
Follow-up Chicken Sasso has been added
The numerical density of broiler chickens and Sasso chickens has been added
Weather conditions have been added to the main screen
Advice has been added to reduce or increase temperatures
Advice has been added to reduce or increase the humidity level
Daily notifications have been added to know the age of the birds and the required temperature
Know the average water consumption
Knowing information about the wind - wind strength - wind speed - wind direction - wind description
Broiler chicken breeding project
Laying chicken breeding project
Municipal chicken breeding project
Sasso chicken breeding project
Quail breeding project
Possibility of sharing the chicken breeding project application
The most important requirements for raising chickens
Factors for the success of a chicken breeding project
The most important steps to start a chicken-raising project
You can add your poultry store
Add a table of local breeds - Fayoumi - Gemmayzeh - Bandara - Dokki 4 - Silver Park - Golden Park - Mandara - Maamoura - Al Salam - Matrouh - Al Bahij - Anshas
Adding medications to the broiler rearing cycle
The use of artificial intelligence in poultry farming

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Poultry project screenshots

Additional Apps Information

Category Productivity
Platforms Android 7.0+
Last version 17.2
Size 29.62 MB
Date of update February 4,2025
Company Celia Play
Package Name com.poultry.chicken
MD5 c56347abb7f5277179072699db8a768d
Google Play Link Google play
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