about QuickWeather
You can add as many locations to the side drawer as you want to have their weather a single tap away. QuickWeather can even determine your current location if you allow it (location information is not collected).
QuickWeather is Always Free (No IAPs or Ads) and Always Open Source
Here's what you get
• Fullscreen Radar
• Current Weather, Temperature, "Feels Like" Temperature, Precipitation, Wind Speed, Humidity, Pressure, Dew Point, Visbility
• Current and Forecast Temperature and Precipitation Graph
• Current Weather Notification
• Weather Alert Notifications
• Hourly Temperature and Precipitation (48 hours)
• 3-Hour Temperature and Precipitation (5 days)
• Daily Forecast Weather and High and Low Temperature (7 days)
• Daily UV Index
QuickWeather is powered by OpenWeatherMap or Open-Meteo.
• If using OpenWeatherMap, QuickWeather requires an active API Key with the OneCall subscription to function. If you do not have one, you can sign up for a free API key on OpenWeatherMap.org.
• If using Open-Meteo, QuickWeather does not require an API Key.
Required Permissions
• Internet - Required to connect to the internet and retrieve weather information
Optional Permissions
• Location - Required to retrieve the user's current location, if requested
• Background Location - Required to retrieve the user's current location for weather notification and alerts, if requested
• Receive Boot Completed - Required to reschedule the notification service each boot
Contact the developer at [email protected]
View the source code at: https://github.com/TylerWilliamson/QuickWeather