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Reprodutor de música

about Reprodutor de música

Reprodutor de música is a free and versatile reprodutor de música.The application allows users to upload local and other music.Create and edit your own playlists on the platform. Categorize playlists, add new songs and share them on Reprodutor de música.Users can also search for songs on reprodutor de música online by title, artist, album and other information. The unique audio equalizer offers a different sound quality for your music.


- The following music formats can be played well: MP3, AAC, MP4, WAV, M4A, FLAC, 3GP, OGG and so on.

- This reprodutor de música is also known by another name: mp3 player. Because the mp3 format is the most popular music format on Android.

- Reprodutor de música has been designed to give users a better experience when listening to music.

- reprodutor de música automatically scans all the songs and groups them by title, artist and album.

- Reprodutor de música helps you easily find the songs you want.

- It supports an audio equalizer to improve the sound quality of songs, which can be customized to suit your style.

- Listen to music in the "Music Player" every day and enjoy your life. It's completely free.

Main features:

- Reprodutor de música automatically checks all audio files. It is compatible with almost all formats: mp3, m4a, wav, flac, ogg, aac...

- Quick browser with useful tabs: albums, artists, genres, songs, playlists.

- Notification bar and mini music player. Displays sufficient information such as album art, title and artist. Includes basic buttons: play, pause, skip and stop.

- Play the next song, the previous song, rewind, pause, fast forward. Supports song queuing. It's very easy to add songs to the queue.

- Reprodutor de música helps users share their favorite music with others!

- Equalizer. This MP3 player has a built-in equalizer for a great music listening experience.

- Backgrounds and wallpapers. There are many options to choose from to make the mp3 music player more aesthetically pleasing.

- Cut editor. Cut or trim songs, cut audio. Optimize the size of the song and remove unwanted parts. Make the audio smaller to set the song as a ringtone.


- Edit tags. Includes: song title, album title, artist name.

- Headphones. You can play, pause and play the next song by pressing the buttons on the headphones. Bluetooth headphones are also supported.

- Music library and all hidden locations. All audio and songs will be checked.

- Search for music players. Quick and easy. Search by title (song name), album, artist, playlist.

- Playlists. Create new playlists, edit or delete old ones. Add albums, artists, songs and genre catalogs to playlists. Have recent playlists.

- Music player widget.

- Mp3 is the most popular music format. Mp3 player or audio player is also the name of this application.

- Photos of songs, artists and album covers.

- When using Reprodutor de música, please contact me if you want some new features. I'll try to improve reprodutor de música

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Reprodutor de música screenshots

Additional Apps Information

Category Media-Video
Platforms Android 7.0+
Last version 94.01
Size 18.30 MB
Date of update March 6,2025
Package Name com.search.music.mp3.musicplayer
MD5 e7e8da7fc419eb3fc5ca2456ef86757e
Google Play Link Google play
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