about Sholawat Wafiq Azizah Mp3
Asfuri style
Alaia Prayers
An Prophet
Ana Bat Ba
Asmar Latin Tsani
Asqi Wahdi
Asyqil Ghowani
Farok Mabaina
Habibi Ya Nur Aini
Hamawi Yes Miss Mis
Ila Baitil Harom
Divine Tawassalna
Mother Mother
Istaghfiruu Robbakum
Kana Qolbi
La Haula
Please forgive me
Name Alainal Hawa
Nawarti Ayumi
Qasidah Al Burdah
Qillil Asyiqin
Qod Kafani
A Tree of Wood
Blessings of Badr
Quranic prayer
Shallal Ilah
Shallallahu Alla Yasin
Sidnan Nabi
Tawakaltu Allah
Thank You Allah
Religion Pillar
O Prophet Salam
O Messenger of Allah
Yes Robbi Barik
Yes Wardi Mahlak
Yes, Habibi
Yes Apostle
Zainal Ambiya
And many more...
Application Features:
Simple and easy to use application
Fast loading and does not overload RAM
Multitasking Support
Complete Wafiq Azizah Religion Sholawat Song List (more than 50 Sholawat songs) with clear sound quality
Background playing features
Unpaid application
Hopefully with the presence of the complete collection of Wafiq Azizah Sholawat Songs this can be useful for us lovers of the Prophet's prayer. Hopefully it can add to our pleasure to always recite sholawat-sholawat.
This application is just a music player application for Wafiq Azizah from fans, not an official application (Unofficial). So enjoy!
In the Holy Month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, let's increase our Faith and Piety to Allah SWT. Amen.
Disclaimer :
All of content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from search engines and websites. Please let me know if your original content wants to be removed from our application.