about Streaming Community
Main Features:
Content information: Do you want to see a movie trailer or get information about any content? Streaming Community uses a huge database of information. Just type the name of the movie or TV series!
Would you like to be able to immediately find the trailer too? Don't worry, it's already there, ready to be seen!
Trends and upcoming releases: Always stay updated! With Streaming Community you can explore trending and upcoming movies and TV series. Always stay up to date on the most exciting news from the big and small screen.
Viewing external content: Thanks to our webviewer and link host, you can view content from external URLs easily and seamlessly. Enter the desired host link and the app will offer you an improved streaming and search experience to make every viewing more enjoyable.
Viewing external content and local files: With our dedicated player, you can not only view content from external links, but also open and watch your local files directly. If you have a video file in your archive, you can select it directly from the app and enjoy watching or listening with a high-quality player.
Disclaimer: Streaming Community does not contain any content. The app only provides tools to view content from external links, chosen and inserted by the user. Inappropriate use of the app is the sole responsibility of the user. Each link inserted and its content are at the discretion of the user.