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2.0.58 by tapmad

about tapmad

Introducing tapmad – Looking for a clean ad-free stream to watch Live Sports in HD? From all premium sports to entertainment, we’ve got you covered! tapmad gives you access to watch 100+ live HQ Channels - Choose from 1,000s of Dramas, Movies, Music, and much more, anywhere, anytime, on multiple devices!
We strive to bring to our users the latest, the biggest sporting events without any advertisements and in HD quality. Along with an ever-expanding content library, you will always have something to keep you entertained, from various genres including action, comedy, romance, and infotainment there's even content available for kids!
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Additional Apps Information

Category Entertainment
Platforms Android 7.0+
Last version 2.0.58
Size 19.07 MB
Date of update February 16,2025
Company tapmad
Package Name com.pitelevision.tapmadtv
MD5 583fe52b31a1e09586e3861bf962caeb
Google Play Link Google play