about TW LOTTO
- Provide the latest drawing numbers and winning details
- Provide the notification function
History winning numbers:
- Provide 80 draws historical winning numbers
Number Analysis:
- Frequency, overdue and distribution analysis in 10, 20, 40 & 100 draws
- Charts to display the distribution of the numbers draw
Random number generator:
- Provide a simple tool to help you to generate 5 different random numbers
1st Prize winning shop (Chinese only):
- Provide the latest 20 draws 1st Prize winning shops information
Please give us a full support on providing this free APP and welcome to send us comment.
This is not an official app of any official lottery organization or association.
Tickets cannot be purchased using this app. Please check with the official retailer before discarding tickets.
All information provided here is for reference only and we are not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided here. For official information, please visit https://www.taiwanlottery.com/.