about Seven And A Half
The instructions of the game Seven and a half are as follows:
- One of the players acts as a bank. A card is dealt to each of the other players and then each player makes his bet.
- The player to the left of the bank receives cards until he stands or the sum of the value of his cards is greater than 7 and a half. The turn passes to the player on his left. Each player's cards, except one, are discovered
- After finishing the turn of all players comes the turn of the bank. The bank plays with all its cards discovered. The bank's turn ends when it is planted or passed seven and a half. If it passes, it has lost and must pay the players that have been planted. If it is planted, the bank wins all those who have a play of less than or equal value to yours and loses with all those who have a play of higher value. The bank pays an amount equal to the value of the bet to all the players that have won, except for the plays that have won 7 and a half, which charge twice the amount bet.
- In the next round the player who will act as a bank will be the one to the left of the current bank.