เกี่ยวกับ Human Design App
Integrating the ancient wisdom of Astrology, IChing, Kabbalah and the chakras, Human Design provides a unique view of what is defined and consistent in the human body and what is influenced by the environment.
The Human Design App includes:
- Human Design bodygraph calculation: Natal, Composite, Return, and Group charts
- Context information about Centers, IChing gates and lines, Definition, Type, Inner Authority, Profiles, and Planets
- Transit Overlay - Ability to overlay current transits over any chart. Available with subscription
- Composite Charts - Ability to create charts between two people. Available with subscription
- Return Module - Saturn, Chiron, Solar Returns, Uranus Opposition. Available with subscription
- Human Design Current Transits
- Time Travel functionality showing Transits for previous and future dates
- Human Design Forecast - see activated channels over the next 24 hours
- iChing Oracle angel divination with three cards spread based on Human Design gates
- Numerology Life Path calculation
- Human Design Charts pattern. Nebula of Astrology, iChing, Numerology, Chakras and Zodiac.
- Human Design Descriptions in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Hebrew, Turkish, and Russian languages.