


Track legislative proposals and decisions.
Take part in Bundestag votes.
Control your politicians.
Strengthen your political influence.

... an independent and donation-financed open source app that has been informing you about current events in the Bundestag in a playful and easy-to-understand way since 2018, ensuring political transparency and inviting you to participate.

DEMOCRACY is a political tool for everyone who wants more transparency and participation. For the curious and critical. For students and teachers. For everyone who wants to get involved in politics and is looking for their social sovereignty.

Who votes in the Bundestag and how? Who keeps their word and who contradicts themselves through their political actions? What are current and past bills that are being voted on in the Bundestag? With DEMOCRACY you will find answers to all these questions! You make the Bundestag more transparent for yourself and open it up to your participation in political events.

With DEMOCRACY YOU can take part in every vote in the Bundestag - anonymously and before the MPs do. Your vote does not (yet) have a direct influence on the decision in the Bundestag. But your virtual mandate brings you many advantages:

1. You will be notified of new session weeks.
2. You will be informed in seconds what Parliament is dealing with.
3. You will receive the official voting results as soon as they are available.
4. Your voting behavior will be compared with that of all parties and representatives using our Voting-O-Meter - long-term and sustainable.
5. You will see the voting results of you and everyone who voted in the app.
6. You can see how users in your constituency voted by entering your postcode.
7. You become part of a community of interests that becomes increasingly difficult to ignore as it grows. The more people use DEMOCRACY, the closer we come to having a direct influence on decisions in the Bundestag. We call this “citizen lobbying.”

CAUTION! This does NOT mean the Wahl-O-Mat from the Federal Agency for Civic Education, which asks you questions about parties' election promises! Our tool has much higher demands:

The Wahl-O-METER is a function of the DEMOCRACY app. Right from the start, he compares all your voting results with those of the parties and checks how much you agree with their political actions: Which parties and representatives are close to you and support the same issues that are important to you? It's about political actions and not about words and promises. The more often you vote, the more accurate the result of your Voting-O-Meter becomes.
At the next federal election, all you need to do is take a quick look at the DEMOCRACY app and you will no longer base your voting decision on vague election promises, but on the actual voting behavior of politicians and parliamentary groups.

DEMOCRACY acts data-efficiently and your data belongs solely to you at all times! How and what you vote on is only stored on your cell phone and only transmitted anonymously to our server. COMMERCIAL USE OF YOUR DATA WILL NOT TAKE PLACE - NOT NOW AND NOT IN THE FUTURE!

Have fun discovering our nonprofit app!


The non-profit association DEMOCRACY Deutschland e.V. is a non-governmental organization. Although the DEMOCRACY service provides its users with government-related information from the parliamentary database (https://dipbt.bundestag.de/dip21.web/bt), it does not represent any government entity.

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Additional Apps Information

Category Education
Platforms Android 7.0+
Last version 1.5.11
Size 49.36 MB
Date of update March 25,2025
Package Name de.democracydeutschland.app
MD5 11cb1a3e2af4faf8c672a2b822e7da62
Google Play Link Google play