about Food Tracker
What makes Food Tracker special?
We created it focusing on user convenience and the methodology of the School of Comfortable Weight Loss. There is nothing superfluous in the application: only the necessary functions and a laconic design. We don't want to distract you from your intended path!
The application as part of the ShKP is available to all students for the duration of the course.
Food Tracker is:
- Food diary. Plan and control your diet.
- Food calorie base. Find ready-made food, products from popular and not so popular brands in the search.
- “Your own dish” function. It’s easy to create your own dish in the app; the app will calculate the calorie content.
- Calorie counter. Detailed and visual statistics will help you achieve results.
- Reporting and goals. Set your daily calorie goal in the app. Send a report to a nutritionist-supervisor to make the weight loss process even more effective.
Join thousands of people who have lost weight with Food Tracker. Start keeping a food diary and monitor your eating habits - the results will pleasantly surprise you.
Focus only on the main thing, and the application will do the rest!