about Maaseudun Tulevaisuus
Maaseudun Tulevaisuus is a professional and specialized newspaper published three times a week, which writes about important topics from home and abroad for people who are doing business, living in the countryside and who are interested in it. The key monitoring areas are agriculture, forestry and rural entrepreneurship. The magazine has two monthly supplements: Kantri, which tells about rural people and phenomena, and Suomalainen Maaseutu, which focuses on rural entrepreneurship and machinery sales.
This is the application needed to read Maaseudun Tulevaistuin and its monthly supplements. The program is free, but reading the magazines found in it requires a long-term subscription to the printed Rural Future or a subscription to electronic services.
You can read the content of the application by logging into the service with your Maaseudun Tulevaisuu online service credentials.
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