about Palumba
How it works:
- Swipe your opinion on important political topics
- Stay neutral on things you’re not sure about 🙂
- Match with your most compatible European Parliament Group and discover the local candidates in your country.
- Learn about your voter profile, compare Groups on specific topics, and share the themes you care most about.
- The first 10,000 users of Palumba can get a free European Youth Card! This means thousands of discounts for leisure, culture, travels, concerts, restaurants… and much more!
Palumba is a non-profit and non-partisan association of young Europeans who care about our generation taking centre stage in the public debate and vote more than ever. All statements were curated from suggestions of youth organisations, proofread by a pan-european Scientific Council independent from candidates and parties, and evaluated by an open-source algorithm. Strict data protection by-design applies too. We explain (and you can check) everything in our FAQ here: palumba.eu/faq