about Magzter
Magzter is a popular digital reading platform. What you can find here are the most popular magazines and newspapers from around the world, including Time, Cosmopolitan, Newsweek, ELLE, etc. It allows unlimited reading and is changing the way people read magazines and newspapers. When you become a magzter subscription user, it allows you to read unlimited magazines and newspapers. You are welcome to leave your thoughts on anything you want to say while using our platform through the magzter reviews feature.
-Voted the #1 destination for digital reading by readers and top publishers around the world.
-7 days free unlimited access to more than 9,000 leading magazines and newspapers including Time, Cosmopolitan, Newsweek, Elle, Harper's Bazaar, Marie Claire, Maxim, Men's Health, Entrepreneur, Popular Mechanics, T3, India Today, The Guardian, The Daily Mirror and The Independent. Popular Mechanics, T3, India Today, The Guardian, The Daily Mirror and The Independent.
-The app's premium unlimited reading subscription service, Magzter GOLD, gives users unlimited access to over 9,000 magazines, newspapers, and premium stories. You can try Magzter GOLD for free on this app for 7 days.
Why you'll love Magzter
1. Read your favorite magazines and newspapers anytime, anywhere.
2. Quality stories from best-selling magazines and newspapers for cell phones.
3. Download your favorite titles and read them later even when you are offline.
4. Bookmark your favorite pages for easy access later.
5. Discover and share great content on Magzter Connect, an exciting social community within the app.
6. Unlimited reading for free at Magzter Smart Reading Zones®.
Popular titles on Magzter
Entertainment- Filmfare, OK!, TV Guide, Vanity Fair
Lifestyle- Esquire, GQ, Maxim, Girls' Life
News-India Today, Newsweek, New York Magazine, Reader's Digest, The Atlantic Monthly, Time Magazine
Newspapers -- Business Standard, Daily Mirror, Daily Star, Hindustan Times, The Guardian, The Independent, The Straits Times
Science & Technology- Macworld, PCWorld, Popular Mechanics, Stuff, T3, Wired
Sport - Cycling, Cycling Plus UK, Golf Monthly, Mountain Biking UK
Travel - Business Traveler UK, Condé Nast Traveler, National Geographic Traveler UK, Travel + Leisure