about Volaris 2.0
Book a flight
Book the best flight from our 197+ routes. You can save traveler information for you and your companion to make each booking even faster.
Easy payments
Save your payment information in your profile to book flights easier, faster and safer.
Get access to our exclusive mobile app offers and save on your next trip!
My trips
Verify your bookings, confirm details like flight number and baggage benefits, add optional services such as baggage, pets, sports equipment and seats.
Speed up boarding on international flights by scanning your travel documents at check-in!
Boarding pass
Avoid lines at the airport by getting your boarding pass on our app! Keep track of your flight information: boarding time, boarding group, seat number, itinerary so you can get to the airport on time. Add your boarding pass to your wallet app to keep it handy.
Flight status
View live arrival and departure updates on our enhanced flight status experience.
We'll let you know about special offers, flight updates and check-in reminders.
Your perfect travel companion, right in your pocket!
Send us your feedback at [email protected], we are always listening to your suggestions.