about Reversi
Reversi is a strategy board game based on strategy. The game was crafted by a team of professional developers and won many gaming awards a few years back. These reversi rules are so simple and easy to understand that the board changes dramatically as the player flips the opponent's pieces and new players can easily grasp the rules of the game. The game is perfect for two players to play together online, where a head-to-head battle of wits and strategy takes place. Furthermore, reversi online play or offline play is up to you.
-Double hot seat.
-4-piece set and chessboard.
-Friendly user interface.
-10 difficulty levels, plus hints.
-User stats (Wins/Losses/Records/Scores).
-Designed for tablets and cell phones.
bright spot
-Simple rules: Reversi rules are easy to learn and can be easily mastered by beginners, while experienced players can play complex strategies.
-Board size: Played on an 8x8 grid, the game space is easy to manage and requires careful planning and precise maneuvering.
-Control corners: corners are key strategic points in Reversi as they are non-flippable and can be used to anchor large areas of control.
-Race Time: Usually a race lasts about 10-30 minutes, so the race is fast and well-attended.
-Perfect Information Game: Since both players can see the entire board, there is no hidden information, allowing for a purely strategic game.
Playing Tips
-Tempo control: minimizing your opponent's options, forcing them to make unfavorable moves, and especially limiting their available movement space.
-Crawl Edge: When playing along an edge, move up and down carefully, flip pieces strategically, and don't overcommit until the position is secure.
-Watch your opponent: Always be aware of what moves your opponent will have available after your turn. Don't make it easy for them to get into key positions.
-Baiting the opponent: Occasionally leaving open squares that look attractive but force the opponent to be vulnerable on his next move.
-Fighting for stability: As the game progresses, prioritize stable discs (discs that cannot be flipped back). Stable discs are usually located near edges and corners.